AAG Transportation Geography Specialty Group

The mission of the Transportation Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers is to encourage and facilitate interactions among individuals who are interested in research, practice, and education of transportation-related topics.
All members of the AAG with an interest in transportation and transportation-related issues are encouraged to join the Transportation Geography Specialty Group. Annual dues are $10 for regular members ($2 for student members) in addition to the normal AAG dues. Information and forms are available on the AAG home page and the AAG Knowledge Community.
Call for Nominations:
Transportation Geography Specialty Group
Board Elections
In advance of the upcoming AAG annual meeting in Detroit, The Transportation Geography Specialty Group (TGSG) of the AAG will be moving its board elections online, with the election to be held shortly before the annual meeting. As a first step, the TGSG is calling for nominations for the following positions on its Board:
- Vice-Chair: This is a 2-year position 2025-2027. Upon completion of the term, the elected Vice-Chair will become the Chair for a subsequent 2-year term (2027-2029).
- Two (2) Board Members: 2025-2027 (2-year position)
- Two (2) Student Board Members: 2025-2027 (2-year position) and 2025-2026 (1-year position). The senior (2-year) and junior (1-year) positions are both available this year. Traditionally, the senior position is held by a PhD student, while the junior position is held by either a PhD student or Masters student.
If you are interested, or if you would like to nominate any member of TGSG to serve in any of these positions, please email me (current TGSG chair) at scottkelley@unr.edu with the name, email address, and affiliation of the nominee no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. You are welcome to include in your nomination (or self-nomination) a short statement (~200 words at most) that will be included in the online ballot, describing why the nominee would like to or should serve on the TGSG Board.
Once the nomination period has closed, we will confirm interest in the positions with all nominees, and an electronic ballot will then be made available through the AAG and distributed to the TGSG membership. Elected members will take on their duties after the AAG's annual meeting in Detroit in March and will get the opportunity to work with Dr. Paul Jung, current Vice-Chair and incoming Chair of the TGSG for the 2025-2027 term. They will be formally recognized and introduced at the upcoming TGSG Business meeting in Detroit.
Summary of Duties of TGSG Board Members
- All: Organize sessions, encourage and solicit participation, post announcements to the knowledge community and social media, and participate in TGSG Board meetings and discussions.
- Chair: The Chair will be responsible for coordinating the Fleming Lecture and Reception, and the Business Meeting for each annual meeting of the AAG. They will liaise with the Journal of Transport Geography (JTG) Editor in Chief to produce a report to the TGSG at the Business meeting, as well as a report of the TGSG to the JTG. They will also coordinate the solicitations of the annual awards, attend all AAG Chairs meetings and report back to the TGSG Board, break ties in awards voting, and assist in the administration of budgeting as well as the posting of sessions, job announcements, and other TGSG-related information to the AAG Knowledge Community and social media. They will coordinate with the Vice-Chair in soliciting nominations for board positions, constructing the online ballot for the board elections in advance of the annual meeting, and in communicating with election winners in advance of the annual meeting.
- Vice Chair: The Vice-Chair will serve as Treasurer of TGSG and will be responsible for taking minutes of the annual business meeting of the TGSG. They will also assist in soliciting nominations for board positions, constructing the online ballot for the board elections in advance of the AAG meeting, and counting votes for elections. The Vice-Chair will also be responsible for reviewing submissions for the annual awards. They will also assist in the posting of sessions, job announcements, and other TGSG-related information to the AAG Knowledge Community and social media. Upon completion of their two-year term, the Vice-Chair will become of the Chair of the TGSG for the subsequent two-year term.
- Board Members (non-student): Board members will primarily be responsible for reviewing submissions of the annual awards, organizing sessions at the annual meeting from floating, unassigned abstracts of transportation papers and sponsoring those sessions, and working with the students and Communications Officer on the visual and media presence of the group. They will also assist in the posting of sessions, job announcements, and other TGSG-related information to the AAG Knowledge Community and social media.
- Board Members (Student): Student board members will be responsible for engaging with the non-student Board members on the activities of the group. The senior 2-year term student will be responsible for leading efforts on outreach and social media to promote and disseminate the activities of the group and of transportation geography research, where the junior, 1-year term student will assist.
TGSG Officers 2024 - 2025

University of Nevada, Reno
Chair (2023 - 2025)

Inha University
Vice Chair (2023 - 2025)

University of South Carolina
Board Member (2024 - 2026)

McMaster University
Board Member (2023 - 2025)

George Mason University
Board Member (2023 - 2025)

University of Kansas
Board Member (2023 - 2025)

McMaster University
Student Board Member (2024 - 2025)

University of Nevada, Reno
Student Board Member (2023 - 2025)

University of Illinois
Communications (ex officio)
The Journal of Transport Geography

The Journal of Transport Geography is a leading interdisciplinary journal focusing on the geographical dimensions of transport, travel and mobility. It is international in its outlook, and welcomes both conceptual papers and theoretically-informed, empirically-oriented contributions on the movement of people, goods and/or information by any mode and at every geographical scale.
Articles and viewpoints for the Journal of Transport Geography may be submitted through the Elsevier Website.
TGSG By-Laws
The TGSG approved these revised by-laws at the TGSG business meeting on Sunday 2/27/22 at 12:50 pm (EST).
Past Meetings and Award Winners
- 2024 AAG Annual Meeting: Honolulu, HI
- 2023 AAG Annual Meeting: Denver, CO
- 2022 AAG Virtual Annual Meeting
- 2021 AAG Virtual Annual Meeting
- 2020 AAG Virtual Annual Meeting
- 2019 AAG Annual Meeting: Washington, DC
- 2018 AAG Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA
- 2017 AAG Annual Meeting: Boston, MA
- 2015 AAG Annual Meeting: Los Angeles, CA
- Edward L. Ullman Award Winners
- The Fleming Lectures in Transportation Geography
- Past Dissertation and Thesis Award Winners
- Past Chairs
- Annual Reports